
Tag: website development

Why Website Maintenance is Important image

Why Website Maintenance is Important. Maintaining your website well and keeping it updated regularly is important to ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently. It improves user experience Small but significant changes can improve user experience on your website. If your consumers receive a poor user experience on your site, they will turn in to a competitor instead. Keeping your website regularly updated and making sure everything is working as it should be, improves visitor experience. Improves SEO Search engines rank websites that have the most up to date, relevant content and offers......

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tips for websites blog post header image

Here are some useful tips to save time on your website’s performance, SEO, and user-friendliness. Having an online presence in the form of a website is extremely crucial today. With new technology and range of build it yourself options, creating your own website seems like a small task. Work with professional web developers Although these website builders might seem easy to use and cost less, you cannot get the level of professional design and expertise that a team of expert developers bring to the table. An expert developer team takes care of the......

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Ecommerce trends, COVID-19 Ecommerce, COVID online shopping, online shopping 2022

COVID-19 has upended life as we know it, but despite slowing economic and social activity, COVID-19 has led to a boom in the digital economy. According to Inside Australian Online Shopping Update – Dec 2021 by Australia Post  “SA, WA, TAS, QLD and NT led the surge in online purchases with increases of more than 30% month-on-month (MOM). All states and territories recorded positive growth YOY with NSW and ACT the strongest performers, both growing over 25%.” (source) As lockdowns became the new normal in down under, consumers turned to online shopping more than ever before.......

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